What Time Are You Living in?

Image result for past present and futureWe are supposed to forget what is behind us, live in the now, and look toward our future. But, how often do we find ourselves living in the past, looking at the now, and forgetting we have a future? Yes, we live in past hurts, past failures, and past disappointments. You are not there any more so why do you keep living in it? We look at our present finances, our present understanding, and our present spirituality. Stop looking at where you are now, it is only temporary. We forget we have a future destiny, future relationships, and future blessings. These are things to come so, you should always be hopeful and full of faith that things will get better. Lord, help us to change our perspective and put everything in its rightful place, in our lives. Whether it was our past, is our present, or will be our future- You were, are, and will be there! Help us to appreciate and embrace every moment of our life. Help us to let go of the things that have come to an end. Most of all, help us to walk into what lies ahead.

Be encouraged,

T Brown

A Sunday Prayer

God, I don’t have all the answers. God, sometimes I just don’t have a clue what to say or do. The only thing I am sure of is, you know. I don’t want to spend my time trying to figure out things and events that aren’t meant for me to understand. I do want to spend my time getting to know you, who understands everything. Please guide my heart, my mind, and my footsteps in every way. I am grateful  for my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you. And, I am grateful for your plan for me. As long as you have a plan, I will never be lost. I am found in you and I am ever so grateful! Lord I thank you. Make this your prayer today and find your strength in the Lord. He knows everything.

Be encouraged,

T Brown

There She Is!

There is nothing more fulfilling than being you and being happy about who you are! So often we spend our days trying to figure out who we are because we have become what we do. Take a moment to strip yourself of all the things you do and all the positions you fill, and ask yourself, “Who am I?” When no one is around, are you laid back? Are you high energy? Do you like being by yourself? Do you enjoy crowds? What makes you happy when there is no one pulling on you? Once you find out who this person is, introduce her to the world. Yes, she has flaws. Yes, she can be a little quirky. She may be a little shy or even a bit outspoken. When she shows up, embrace her. Then you can begin to find out what God says about her. He loves her just the way she is. And since he is the creator, whatever he finds that is broken, he can fix it! Stop trying to be everything for everyone, and just try being you. The world will either love you are hate you, but the only one who matters is God. Believe me when I tell you this, he loves you! 

Be encouraged,

T Brown

Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart faileth but….

How many times have we heard, “Get out of your feelings?” Our feelings will fail us every time. We get angry and blow up. We get sad and go into depression. We get frustrated and give up. There is no victory in our flesh. As Psalms tells us, our flesh and heart will fail, BUT GOD! Who needs a “BUT GOD” this morning? God is the strength of your heart. When you look back at situations and can’t figure out how you survived that one, know that it was only because of God. He is your portion. Portion is not the whole thing, it’s a part. He is the missing parts in your life. Let him fill the void and be your strength. You are guaranteed to be made whole. We will all have down times in our life, but we have to choose to experience them in a better way. So, get your day started with a “portion” of God. You need a portion here, a portion there, after a while you will be filled with his love, joy, peace and all of the wonderful attributes of who he is. I hope this encouraged someone today.

Be encourage,

T Brown

Wednesday! Worth Day!

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It’s Wednesday! Worth Day! I was wondering what value have you placed on your life? Have you limited the blessings you are entitled to? Have you blocked certain avenues that should be open in your life? God values us as his children. His love is not based on whether we are saved. He sent his son just to prove how much he loves us and wants us to be in fellowship with him. We are worth every thing God has for us. We choose to devalue our lives.

We are the ones who are so impatient that we are willing to accept a man who is married and claim he will be our husband after the divorce. We are the ones who are willing to be toyed with by a player who is out with two or three other side chicks. We are the ones who choose to remain a side chick instead of being the only wife. We are the ones who limit who God can use to speak into our lives because we don’t want to hear the truth. We are the ones who choose the sin we are tempted with over the escape we can be rescued with. We are the ones who are willing to accept anything that was better than the last thing, even though it’s not what God wants for us.

We don’t value ourselves the way God does. We don’t believe in ourselves the way God does. We don’t see ourselves the way God does. If we did, we would respect and honor ourselves the way God does. Don’t try to rush God into blessing you. Sometimes he will give you want you want instead of what you’re worth. Have patience and serve until he produces your blessing. Today is Wednesday, worth day! Are you worth waiting for? And are you waiting for what you are worth?

Be encouraged,

T Brown