Monday Morning Motivation!


All things, individually and collectively, work together. They put forth power to assist in the process necessary to make us more like Christ. Whether we make a bad decision or things just happen, eventually they will work out for our good. We must surrender our will to his will, if we are “the called.” We must immediately start transforming and developing a love for God, his people, and his ministry. It is time to move, people of God! We are in a winning situation! #allthingswork #thecalled#hispurpose

Be encouraged,

T Brown

The Process is Preparing You!

I am a firm believer in preparing for what you are asking for. How often do we get lost in the process or give up too soon? We must start appreciating where we are and set our eyes toward where we are going. It may not look like anything is happening right now, but if you pull back the covers you will see change. You will see patience increasing. You will see compassion developing. You will see humility and faith growing. The process is preparing you. Learn what you need to learn and grow as you need to grow. What you are going through is preparing you for what is coming. 

Be encouraged, 

T Brown 

Why Are You Mad?

I love this illustration of togetherness. No matter where you find yourself or who you are around, you should always bloom in the midst. There is room for everyone to grow and to become someone amazing. When you see people in your circle, your school, your job, or your church growing and prospering, you should feel good. If it upsets you, you have issues in your heart. Why are you mad? They did not do anything to you, they are just living their life. No one else is responsible for your happiness except you. Go out and pursue the things that will make you happy. The only competition you should be in is the one where you become better than you were yesterday. The more you improve the better you will feel. The better you feel, the easier it is to appriciate other’s success. So if you are a flower in the field and angry because the other flowers are blooming, deal with your issues. It is you, not the flowers around you or the garden you are in. Learn how to be happy for others and you will become a happier you. 

Be encouraged, 

T Brown