Single Women! Married Women! Unequally Yolked!


Being unequally yolked can be one of the hardest relationships you will ever be in. Single women are waiting on a true man of God. Married women are waiting on their husbands to get saved. The whole process can be so frustrating. I wrote this book to inspire people all over the world. There are some biblical principals that will not only give you the strength, but give you the wisdom to walk out the emotional roller coaster of an unequally yolked marriage. It also gives insight to the single woman on what to expect if she marries an unsaved man. It is so much better to wait on God for the right man for you. This book is nothing but real. You need to add this to your library and bless a friend with a copy too. Help me get the word out so others can be inspired too.

Get your copy today! You can purchase it on any of these websites, just click on the links. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Westbow Press

“This book gives a wonderful, transparent view of the first years of marriage despite the details of your unique marriage. I wish I had had this book at the beginning of my marriage. I felt some of the same emotions and had some of the same thoughts however my husband and I were both believers but I still remember having most of the same thoughts and emotions. I chose to hold on!
Thank you for being transparent in your experience and sharing! So many times we think that we are the only one going through tough times and that it is unnatural but by sharing your experience many will be able to relate and will be able to make a clear choice to hold on!
This is a great bridal shower gift or a newlywed.” ~Kacey Ferguson

Thank you for supporting the vision to inspire and empower women everywhere. Please share this, favorite it, like it, re-blog it…Help me spread the word! Be encouraged! And don’t forget to get your copy today!

T Brown

A Sunday Prayer

God, I don’t have all the answers. God, sometimes I just don’t have a clue what to say or do. The only thing I am sure of is, you know. I don’t want to spend my time trying to figure out things and events that aren’t meant for me to understand. I do want to spend my time getting to know you, who understands everything. Please guide my heart, my mind, and my footsteps in every way. I am grateful  for my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you. And, I am grateful for your plan for me. As long as you have a plan, I will never be lost. I am found in you and I am ever so grateful! Lord I thank you. Make this your prayer today and find your strength in the Lord. He knows everything.

Be encouraged,

T Brown

Life Lessons


We live better when we can appreciate everything and everyone who contributes something to our lives. Life is a journey full of lessons to be taught and learned. What have you learned from the people who have come and gone in your life? Everyone who walks out of your life is not necessarily a bad person and weren’t necessarily meant to leave. Some people leave because of  how you treat them. We have a hard time looking in the mirror and owning our part in failed relationships. Everyone who stays in your life is not necessarily on your side, either. Sometimes they are the Judas that pushes you right into your destiny. The betrayal hurts so bad, but in the end, the victory will be sweeter than honey. We will never be able to figure this whole thing out, but we can live in the now and learn as we go. Whether your lessons are meant to be painful, painless or priceless, let them teach you what you need to learn. #LifeLessons

Be encouraged,

T Brown




Hey You!

What are you doing?! People are moving on with their life and you are still in the dumps about an old situation. It is time to forgive and move on. I know you have heard it a million times before, not forgiving means they have power over you. You have a choice in some things and you can choose who you allow to affect your life. You were miserable while they were a part of your life and now that that they are no longer a factor, you are still miserable. Something is not adding up. If you keep thinking about them and it brings you down, they are still influencing you. Focus on the direction you are headed, forward. Forgiving them doesn’t mean you agree with what they have done, it just means you are wise enough to realize it is unhealthy to hold on to the pain. It is time to start walking in victory. It is time to be healed and be free. If you are affected by people who are in your life on the regular basis, like family members, pray for them. I am a believer of the power of God through prayer. He can save the unsavable and change the unchangeable. He is God and there is nothing too hard for him. You may not be able to control their actions, but you can certainly control yours. Turn them over to God, pray and believe! Be healed in the name of Jesus and be free from your past. Today is a new day.

Be encouraged,

T Brown

Wait “Up On” the Lord

I have said it once and maybe a hundred times. Waiting is not easy. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that if we wait upon the Lord, he will renew our strength. This lets us know that if we are weary and never feeling rejuvenated, we are just waiting to see something happen, but not necessarily waiting upon the Lord. I like to think that “Up On” means literally up on the rock. I am waiting up on the word. I am waiting up on the Lord. In other words I am planted on a solid rock, and he is the source of my strength. Even if I hit rock bottom, he is that rock. I will never be alone or in a place the Lord is not with me, as long as I wait up on him. Don’t just wait for something to happen in your life. Wait on God to happen. Wait with expectancy and hope. Even when you are in the darkest of nights, his word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. It is time to stop waiting for anything and time to wait for the only thing, God! Let him renew your weary mind and strengthen your heart. Run on and don’t be weary. Walk and don’t faint. You shall reap in due season. So, I repeat, wait “Up On” the Lord!

Be encouraged,

T Brown